The Tribune from San Luis Obispo, California (2025)

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association rents name for $5000 By Pete Dunn Staff Writer A telephone sales and rodeo production company paid $5000 for the use of the San Luis Obispo County Association name to promote of tickets for a rodeo at the Madonna Arana in May Hie sales crew operating from offices at 1555 Los Osos Valley Road is calling county residents they are for theSanXuis Obispo County Sheriffs and attempting to sell a family ticket to the rodeo for $8 JO part of which they say goes to the Association Sales crew manager Bob Bartlett said Monday the sheriffs association would get 20 per cent of the sales receipts after expenses However the Telegram-Tribune learned the association has already been paid a flat fee of $5 000 for use of its name in the promotion and will receive nothing further Bartlett said if prospects claim they cannot attend the event the caller suggests they purchase the ticket thus making a donation to the Association and says tickets will be distributed to children would otherwise be unable to He also said any donation is accepted even without a ticket purchase Bartlett said gate prices will be $4-50 for adults and $275 for each child Sheriffs Association President Everett Shong said late last weds the money would be put in die association general fund The fund is used for salary negotiations with the county fees political activities and most recently support of a contestant in the Miss San Luis Obispo County Pageant Asked by a reporter if die association bad in fact rented its name to the rodeo promoters Shong agreed The association has no official connection With the sheriffs department but is the bargaining agent for many of its deputies in salary negotiations employer-employe disputes and in social and political activities Hie sales pitch used on the telephone indicates the rodeo to be presented May 7 and 8 is sponsored by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Association However the rodeo company Flying Rodeo Co of Marysville is produced by Tbain and Johnson of Santa Cruz the same company doing die telephone sales promotion A spokesman for the company Bob Thain said Monday his company paid the sheriffs association for the use of its name but refused to confirm the $5000 figure Inside Comics: Page B-7 Crossword Page A-C CdiiffiumftjNPtgeA-8 Obituaries Page A-3 Opinion Page B-f Porter Page A-ll Sports Page B-4 Stocks PageA-13 Vitals Page A-J Weather Page B-8 A x' ''v- --rv '-T sVi rJ i S3 Port San Luis Foes ask delay of project County Board wants coast review Page A-5 project on marine organisms completely inadequate They took one day and a proper study would take eight months to a irith federal and state financing should the projected revenues fail to develop the burden will be on local taxpayers to make up the the coalition said The Harbor District proposal would allow commercial fishermen only 25 berths out of the 910 industry which supplies consumers with food bom the sea should be given more consideration than the coalition said of a large marina next to Diablo Canyon may impair the operation of the plant and could represent a distinct hazard to the to the marina area is now limited to a small twoJane road There are no current plans to enlarge this Representatives of the coalition the Sierra Club the North Coast Homeowners Association the Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo and other groups argued Monday against any development so Mg it would ruin the of Avila Beach by pricing low-income residents out of the housing market The biggest issue Steelman said Tuesday was the need to delay the project until the county could draw up its plans for the coastline against he said want a breakwater a harbor of refuge a limited marina and room for commercial fishermen But first have a general plan that the voters can approve" However County Plaining Director Ned Rogoway said the county already has control over zoning and general in the Avila Beach area Rogoway said the Coastal Com A mission staffs recommendation was based on false about the impact of the port expansion on development in Avila Beach was based on assumptions about certain projects that might be developed at Mane Ranch for example that never became specific proposals and never came before the he Rogoway said the for marina facilities was so great that the 910 slips and moorings would he filled almost Immediately by boats owned by people who already live in the county He said San Luis Obispo Monterey and Santa Ckuz Oountiea had anticipated current coastal legislation three years ago fay creating a Shoreline Plan whose central concept later waa included in the state Coastal Act means that the first priority in shorelinf development ahead of housing or resorts goes to port facilities that serve those who make their living from the sea Rogoway said He said the county supervisors told Mm March 22 to begin wort on a coastal element forth! general plan as soon as Coastal Act guidelines were received from the state move until the guidelines he said In the meantime Rogoway said the port project will have no effect on the county's approval or disapproval of development in AvQa Beach In 1978 harbor district voters rejected a bond Issue for a UOMxwt facility at Port San Luis citing some of tiie same objections: the Impact of so large a development and the liability if the project fails to make enough money to repay state and federal loans for construction Harbor commissioners this year say a 910-boat marina is the smallest facility likely to pay off the debt and agricufturoconservation But all facets of the 22-page draft seemed fair game to its critira ranging from requirements of special permits far sane businesses but not others to use of ambiguous ditto marts and dashes id tabular material ordinance is very confusing to Mid realtor Rose McKeen She warned the density reductions would encourage urban sprawL Developer Fred Strong Mid the reduced density requirements were because they would make it more difficult for students and the poor to obtain housing '--fa s' VV I I 1 1 vfcm 'A 2 V' 1 I1 4 i Mi I A' 'V Vfriinwwinrisrnfc--' 1 APLaserphoto Flooding Two men float through flood-stricken Matewan WV The rain-swollen rivers flooded the Appalachian town Tuesday killing at least 28 persons (Story and additional photo on A-4) Oil fraud case Pismo suspect held in If the Port San Luis Harbor $12 million expansion project is approved will condominiums line the hills above the harbor garbage foul the beaches gasoline pollute the water dredging kill the dams and runaway development keep San Luis Obispo County from drawing up a general plan for the area? These were some of the issues raised Monday when state Coastal Commission staff members toured Port San Lub and heard testimony for and against the project which would provide a half-mile-long breakwater and slips and moorings for 910 boats The Coastal Commission will decide April 20 in Los Angeles whether to approve the full project as sought by the Harbor District or to limit the marina to 250 boats as recommended by the commission staff The staffs recommendation followed a protest of the expansion project in January by South Central Coastwatch a Santa Barbara environmental group But meetings revealed the first organized opposition to the project in San Luis Obispo County The Save Our Coast Coalition an organization of environmental groups in the county released a list of six objections to the 910-boat facility: Major development at Port San Luis might keep the county from creating a coastal element for its general plan that would be consistent with the state Coastal Act The coalition quoted the Coastal Commission staff as saying the port project prejudice the of local government to comply with the act The environmental effects of the project are still largely undetermined the coalition said Mike Steelman a marine biologist at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near Port San Luis said UA Army Corps of Engineers studies of the effects of the SLO zone San Luis Obispo's proposed revised zoning ordinance got a lukewarm reception Tuesday before the City Council It was criticized as a case of bureaucratic overkill full of ambiguities by a half dozen citizens who spoke at the public hearing And the council after hearing 2 Mi hours of technical discussion of the proposal agreed to put the matter off until a noon study session today Community Development Director Rob Strong urged the council to act on the ordinance as quickly as possible before April 20 in any event He said the Hurtado Mid the inventory already had been completed and the budget and progress report could be drawn up in a couple of Intensive wort sessions But he said outside help was needed for the affirmative action plans especially since the EOC staff had been reduced and demoralized during the crisis Stan Tanaka representative of the UA Office of Economic Opportunity in San Francisco which provides technical assistance to GSA-fundcd programs uld the CSA probably would offer staff help to the EOC free of charge Hurtado's letter to the CSA in March asking for an investigation of the changes stalled The District Attorney's office has been working on the case since August 1975 when Gibson allegedly sold phony stock to two Diablo Canyon employes who were living in Pismo Beach Altogether six persons in San Luis Obispo County and two in Santa Barbara County were victimised by the stock scheme investigators said Baker explained (Gibson) told Ms victims that the wells In Indiana and Tennessee hadn't been producing because they needed but that because of the energy crunch they were going to be started up He said the San Luis Obispo County victims invested about $12000 i Tennessee Ray Jauregui of the District Attorney's office said he had been working with officials in Alabama and Tennessee who also have cases pending against Gibson He said Santa Maria police were charging Gibson with grand theft fraud Jauregui and Baker plan to book Gibson into the county jail when they return on Friday found him in Cooksville Tem and officials there arrested Mm for Jauregui said Baker said Gibson used Ms mem-bersMp in the Pismo Beach Moose Lodge as a means of soliciting victims who also included residents of Atascadero and Grover City Luis Obispo County such as the Head Start preschool program might Mid EOC Board Chairman Mike Hurtado In an April 1 letter to Hurtado CSA Regional Administrator Eugene Gonzales listed four documents the EOC must submit by April 30: A of work programs" and a budget for the Interim period April through July The agency's annual property inventory A progress report on EOC programs from April 1 to Aug 1 1976 which was due last fall Affirmative action plans for the 1976-77 and 1977-78 fiscal years a long way from the clam capital of the nation to the mecca of country pmriff but the law readied that far today to arrest a man who allegedly sold shares in dry oil wells to eight Central Coast residents A representative of District Attorney Robert Talt's office and Pismo Pf rti police officer Jerry Baker flew to Nashville Term today to pick up Robert Eugene Gibson 45 who was bytng held by Tennessee authorities Gibson will' be arraigned Monday in San Lids Obispo County on suspicion of doing business without registering with the California Board of Corporations a felony EOC 4 By Mike Harris Staff Writer The San Luis Obispo County Economic Opportunity Commission is following the example of old-time cattlemen and shcepherders who put hired guns the payroll when a range war threatened The EOC Board of Directors voted Tuesday to ask the UA Community Services Administration for the loan some bureaucrats people with notches on their briefcases a tracker eye for missing reports a sure hand on the reins of management a quick draw with a pocket calculator to help the planning commission has scheduled public hearings on rezoning the city in accord with the newly-adopted general plan Without the new zoning law he said the commission would be left up in the air The first rezoning hearing said Strong is scheduled April 20 and concerns the Laguna Lake area Key changes in the new zoning law would reduce maximum apartment density from 44 to 24 units per acre and limit maximum building height to 50 feet without special permit tt would also create several new zones for tourist industry mobile home parks missing paperwork led the EOC board to suspend Executive Director Geraldine Keels three weeks ago and appoint Neal Royer a grant writer for the agency ps her acting successor The EOC also hired a lawyer and two management consultants voting to pay them from $5659 in uncommitted agency funds However the board was told Tuesday the EOC might not be able to meet its April 20 payroll unless it gets a loan from another agency or a bank The CSA's Interim funding begin until May 1 even if the EOC submits its paperwork on time In addition Hurtado Mid the EOC Is $30000 bchiml on the in-kind con- calls in big guns to settle internal rumble tributions of goods and services It must receive to match last year's federal grants After board meeting the EOCs six-member investigating committee met behind closed doors to continue Its probe of allegations that Mrs Keels 27 had mismanaged the agency during her two' years as executive director The committee issued no statement The board will meet again at 7:30 pjn Thursday at Hawthorne School in San Luis Obispo It will Join CSA representatives in a wort session mi the uncompleted documents at 3 pm April 13 at the agency offices on Marsh Street i EOC battle for its economic life County Supervisor Kurt Kupper who suggested the move said the EOC primarily needs an acting executive director and an affirmative action officer to help prepare long-overdue documents demanded by the GSA before April 30 If the EOC fails to meet this deadline it will not receive the four months of interim federal funding promised last week by a three-man investigative team from the CSA's San Francisco regional office And if the EOCs central administration loses its federal grants individual antipoverty programs in San i.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.