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- Publication:
- The Tribunei
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- San Luis Obispo, California
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- 20
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Until Thunday I SA liila Temperatures (24-hour period ending at 7 am) Asheville Bismarck Brownsville Des Moines Helena Juneau little Rock Los Angeles Louisville Arroyo Grande 88 48 Atascadero 78 Baywood Park-Los Osos 65 GroverCity 88 Mono Bay 62 Oceano 62 Paso Robles 74 Plsmo Beach 72 San Luis Obispo 65 Santa Margarita 68 Forecast San Luis Obispo coastal area: Fair through Thursday Afternoon cloudiness little temperature change Highs in the 60s to low 70s Lows in the 40s to low 50s Northwest winds 15 to 30 miles per hour afternoons igurei shew DW temperatures area Data from 70) NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NCAA US Dtpi ol Com man a ON SCREEN 1 The Adventures of the vsmiss rum? JVGjwjJAnwjam MELODRAMA OAKS DRIVEfIN VkTMEL comic masterpiece: fcr fc-t Color PLUS "WINTERHAWK" Color (G) Opens Friday May ttti "TIN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM" OUR GREATEST VAUDEVILLE HITS Wed-Sat 8:00 pm Tickets $250-3-350 Sundays 7:00 pm ter 3 pm amfil Premier (or KCBK-FM Than May Sth Titketi lor thii ihow anly MM tea daductikla HIGHWAY ONE-OCEANO ON SCREEN 2 PUIS Dixie Donee Kings" (TO) WW" About 1:15 10:00 Starts At Dusk MEET EVERY SUN MElWOm WIRT REYNOLDS PG) -KV pw -fir PACIFIC DRESEnrATIOrv WELCOME 1 14 tan Luis Obispo County (CalH) Telegram-Tribune Wodncsday May A 1977 Water line for Marin under way RICHMOND (AP) -Workmen have begun assembling a six-mile $18 million pipeline that will span the RichmondSan Rafael Bridge to bring desperately needed water to Marin County Workmen started stringing 41-foot-long sections of 24-inch diameter pipe together in the emergency parkng lane on Tuesday and completion is expected by Junel Up to 10 million gallons of water originally dated for Los Angeles will flow through the pipeline and hook directly into the Marin Municipal Water District system Mandatory rationing begun Feb 1 has slashed the water use to 85 million gallons a day but officials say that figure will climb to at least 12 million during the summer The Metropolitan Water District in Los Angeles which relinquished the emergency water supply to Marin is getting replacement water from the Colorado River Without the additional water Marin officials say their reservoirs would run dry in December The pipeline is the first outside water source for the Marin district which until now has obtained all of its water from local reservoirs and wells Still undecided is how to pay for the pipeline Marin officials are attempting to obtain federal funds but are also studying long-term financing or a oneshot special charge to customers Yoshimura faces 5 charges OAKLAND (AP)-Wendy Yoshimura is due in court today for consideration of five contempt of court charges and to determine if $50000 in hail has been posted Alameda County Superior Court Judge Martin Pulich on March 17 gave Miss Yoshimura until today to post the bail then released her on $25000 bail and a personal recognizance bond The additional time was allowed so that her father a Fresno gardener could have his home appraised He had pledged the small tract home to help meet the increased bond so his daughter could remain free while appealing a Jan 20 conviction for illegal weapons and explosives possession The talented artist has been sentenced to l-to-15 years in prison Miss Yoshimura 34 was cited for contempt of court during her trial after refusing to discuss details of 3ty years she spent on the run with Patricia Hearst and Symbionese Liberation Army fugitives William and Emily Harris Miss Yoshimura was arrested with the three in San Francisco on Sept 18 1979 Show SWAP 1 co-Hit "survive" CROSSINOl At noon on October 25th tha TTAnsoontlnental Expree left almoet one thouaand people Thelr destination: Basel Paris Amsterdam Copenhagen and Ae A TRIBUTE TO THE PAY OP MPgpEMPAMCE TORTILLA PLAra I CINCO DE MAYO (R a nRLinejvun THEOTR SUNDAX "ACROBAT In Concert shewn Seats $150 "Glory" Geneva Station on boardJHW BrueeelaMp Stockholm" HELD OVER i wsah una Miapo-ms44Mia Madonna ITU Plazas HiaHWAr meMAooNNAna Wonl SVJTA BARBARA BOUJL JIQ OJESTHEI REPORT mmq-5pm nnunoiDn theatre TlCKETnb10 BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR Tol peev smoum or 1 pm bCAJLfOLY RECPRP EX044NfcECAL RDCLE MU5S mawqXheap thrill ei BV)C0AU' yvm cpLinrv douju 'ia a a a nee a a a a Fr i I TICKET) flVOILPbLE AT MuaceoLAxvTURniroRDini: MORnino ctLorv music COUNTV COUJLDCPC OfFICE 4 RLLTICRETRDn OFFCSS "ROCKY" at 7 8 11:10 BURNT OFFERING at 9:05 II ii MCYICAN OFFERING A IAL ON grande gold margaritas 60LP" TCqUILA'Jr DEOINNIW6 MAY AND LASTING THROUGH THE WEEKEND mffm si LET HER KNOW YOU CARE Oils UPTOWN iOATBJRDAV: NDONTim: sp SEND MOM YOUR LOVE FLOWERS AND PLANTS EXPRESS IT BEAUTIFULLY FREE 2 dozen Carnations For ordering through PHONE IN YOUR ORDER EARLY CHARGE IT the open-air gallery florist 543-4363 We wire your order to throughout the world Drop by and pick out something you won't find anywhere else an Earthly Pleasure: Baskets Stained Glass Brass Burl Chimes Blown Glass JUST A4K fOK THE '6IIMCO DE AAAYO MARGARITA and RCCIEVE ONE PPLLAKL OFF THE REGULAR PRICE AT tortilla flats in the creamery) PLUS JimMitchum Karen Lamm "TRACKDOWN".
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