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- Publication:
- The Tribunei
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- San Luis Obispo, California
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Organized opposition surfaces against port plan By Mike Harris Staff Writer Organized opposition to the Port San Luia Harbor $12 million harbor expansion plan surfaced Monday in meetings at Avila beach with members of the state Coastal Commission staff About 25 people representing several environmental groups in San Obispo County crowded into the Harbor District offices at Port San Luis to request more detailed study of the project which would provide a half- mile-long breakwater and slips and moorings for 910 boats Representatives of die Save Our Coast Coalition die Sierra Club the Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo the League of Women Voters and other groups objected to die possible conflict of interest involved in an environmental impact statement drawn up by die US Army Corps of Engineers which also would build the project Mike Steelman a marine biologist i who works in Avila Beach said the Corps of 'Engineers had conducted insufficient studies of the effects of port expulsion on die marine environment Opponents of the project also predicted massive development in the Avila Valley to accommodate the people who would use the new facilities Monday's at 2 pm followed a meeting" at 11 am when backers of the project toured Port San Luis with state Coastal Commissioner Naomi Schwartz com mission staff members Phyllis Tichnin Stephanie Hoppe and Don Neuwirth Col Hugh Robinson of the Corps of Engineers and delegates from the state Bureau of Fisheries and die National Oceanographic Association The commission findings Monday will be sent to die full Coastal Commission which will decide April 20 whether to grant the Harbor District a permit to build a 910-boat facility The staff recommended limiting a Central Coast of to 250 boats after South Central Coast watch a Santa Barbara environmental group appealed the regional Coastal approval of die 910-boat proposal The district contends a smaller facility generate enough income to repay state and federal loans for the project At the CoL Robinson said the 910-boat facility had been authorized by the President and by Congress and that further delay would jeopardize federal funding for the project Pent San Luis Harbor Manager Kendall Jenkins said today that $8-1 million in state and federal money already had been earmarked for port expansion Proponents of the project said the county had sufficient land use controls available to prevent runaway development of the Avila Valley Opponents of the 910-boat scheme countywide according to former San Luis Obispo City Council candidate Melanie Billig drew up a list of objections to die project San Luis Obispo County Airport raid nets $500000 COPY 16 PAGES TODAY 1 TUESDAY APRIL 5 1977 in marijuana Seizure of 1300 pounds of marijuana with an estimated street value of $500000 and the arrest Monday night in ChoLame of three persons in an alleged airplane drug smuggling operation were announced today Acting Sheriff Timothy Storton said the round-up operation began at 8 pm and concluded at about 10:30 pm with the arrest of a San Luis Obispo man who fled four miles on foot to a Cholame telephone booth The airplane and its pilot were seized at the Paso Robles Airport where it landed after dropping of the marijuana at an abandoned airstrip near Cholame which lad been lined with portable lights for the night landing Storton said The third man was arrested while driving a pick-up camper which was loaded with the drugs Storton said Sheriff officers fired two gunshots into the air to stop the truck he said Samples of the drugs will be kept in a secure location while the rest will probably be burned today Storton said He said the recent theft from the locker of some marijuana Thai Sticks seized in a San Simeon drug bust a Mg in foe decision to destroy the evidence not taking any Storton said He added that the department simply does not have enough storage space for that much marijuana Six sheriff's officers from the narcotics unit participated in the capture which conduded a five-month investigation into possible drug mnggHng operations near Cholame the acting sheriff said No other law enforcement agency was involved in the investigation or arrests he said Those arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana for sale include Dale Eugene Hamblin 26 a San Luis Obispo ranch worker Demis Michael Jackson 36 an Anaheim pilot and Richard Lee Reed 30 a Monterey jeweler They were unarmed 108TH YEAR NO 203 15c PER APLaserphoto Supervisors deny drug abuse funds Workers stand amidst the wreckage of a Southern Airways DC-9 which crashed in New Hopek Ga Monday The plane's engine faded during a storm A treatment program for drug users which was described as costing about a tenth as much as jailing addicts was killed Monday by county supervisors on a 3-2 vote The action came in the wake of a report detailing the growing drug program and announcement of a stepped-up effort by county and city law enforcement officers to arrest addicts Three supervisors voted in favor of the relatively low-cost residential treatment program at Genesis House in Seaside (Monterey County) but four votes were needed to draw $6180 from the county's contingency fond to pay the county's share of the six-month $31000 program Supervisors Hans Heilmann and Howard Mankins effectively killed the program with their votes because a county official said the opportunity to Join the program would be lost before Air crash Pilot tried hard to land SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIF 68 dead lege Park Ga Officials planned to release a complete list of the casualties after notifying relatives Kapustin asked local residents who might have picked up hail stmes at the time of the crash to make them available to the board for study At least two dozen Injured were reported taken to five area hospitals following the crash The owners of thfc grocery store hit by the plane survived the flames which engulfed them seconds later but seven of their relatives in a car parked outside the store were killed Just like a terrible said Mrs William Newman She said the casualties were the two daughters and a daughter-in-law of her nephew and four of his grandchildren never saw the plane All we seen was the fire" All five supervisors expressed surprise that no one from the Jury was present at the meeting to discuss the report Grand Jury Foreman Dixon Conrad told the Telegram-Tribune Monday night one invited Conrad then declined to comment on any of the accusations about the jury County Employes Association Manager Thomas Smith one of the primary interviewees of the Jury said he agrees with the Jury's findings of possible conflicts of interest by the District Attorney Office and the Personnel Department serving both the supervisors and the civil service commission Smith criticized the supervisors for not complying with an Employes Association request several months ago to have the state Attorney General investigate county personnel ad- Courthouse burglary NEW HOPE Ga (AP) The pilot of a Southern Airways DC-9 which crashed during a lightnlng and bail storm a bell of a for a safe landing on a winding country road an investigator said today The crash killed at least 68 persons The plane Flight 242 bound for Atlanta from Huntsville Ala with 65 persons aboard hit trees cars and a grocery store before it exploded and burned Monday in the woods near this small Georgia town about 35 miles northwest of Atlanta The dlot reported just before the crash that both jet engines had stopped and his windshield had been cracked during the storm Rudy Kapustin chief investigator for an eight-man team sent by the National Transportation Safety Board estimated the plane was able to glide summer County Health Officer Howard Mitchell said this county does not now have a residential program for addicts He said Genesis House comes highly recommended and would provide a Mace for drug addicts who would be arrested in the recently created program He said he thought the county could -continue in the program if it joined now Supervisor Kurt Kupper said it would cost about $11000 a year to keep one addict in the county Jail Daniel Woehl a county drug abuse program chief said the Genesis House proposal would cost the county $1020 per year per addicL Mankins asked if the county could afford all the proposed by Mitchell Dr Mitchell answered: going to take hypes off the street we cant afford not mystery deputies who are responsible for the security of the locker The evidence storeroom is next to a office in a corridor between two courtrooms on the third floor of the Courthouse Annex on Palm Street in San Luis Obispo Few people however are believed to have known of the existence of the evidence room Courthouse sources said the room contained evidence from the highly publicized murder trials of Patrick Lee and Ronald Brook However none of the Lee evidence appeared to have been disturbed they said Also stored in toe room was evidence from the recent trial of William Caldwell who was convicted on 12 counts ranging from kidnaping to the shooting of Sheriff's Deputy Alan Bond Caldwell still faces a murder trial and a 22-count indictment in Contra Costa County Evidence from his San Luis Obispo trial is scheduled to be introduced there Comics Page IM Crossword Page B-2 Community Page A-4 Obituaries Page A-3 Opinion PageB-4 Porter Page A-4 Sports Page A-4 Stocks PageR-3 Vitals Page A-3 Weather PageB-3 I without power for to four minutes'! before it crashed 15 miles short rfa military air base A Soutliem spokesman said today the airline had confirmed 60 deaths among the passengers and crew He said that 26 aboard the plane survived but one died later The spokesman said an area funeral home reported eight persons killed on the ground seven of them members of a family group in a car parked outside the grocery store The cockpit voice recorder and the which records technical flight data were recovered and were sent to Washington for analysis he said The team also planned to study tapes of the pilot's last conversation with the Atlanta control tower Authorities said the dead included both fliglit officers Capt William McKenzie 54 of La Place La and First Officer Lyman Keele 34 of Col deplorable that I have ever He said the supervisors should reconsider the Grand Jury system is Supervisor Richard Krejsa also leveled a blistering attack on the report which he termed He said it was of Innuendo and short on concrete documentation Has the Grand Jury set a dangerous precedent which could lead to abuse of its primary Supervisor Kurt Kupper also criticized the report but used the words of county District Attorney Robert Tait to do so Tait in a letter praised by Kupper Krejsa and WlUeford said Grand Jury report or recommendation should be the result of an objective systematic careful examination designed to learn the facts It should not be 'interim' in the sense that a complete investigation has not been Carter asks food stamp controls WASHINGTON (AP) President Carter today asked Congress to hold food stamp benefits at their current levels for most persons who get them but to stop making recipients pay tor part of the aid He promises to veto any revamping of the program that increases its current projected budget of between $54 billion and 656 billion Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland told the House Agriculture Committee The four-year Carter proposal would: about 600000 of the 544 million families now receiving the monthly boost in their grocery-buying power All are among the 13 per cent of the caseload with incomes above the official poverty lines benefits to about 158 million families by more than $5 a month ministration Since the district attorney lathe adviser to the jury his office isn't likely to conduct an objective investigation of itself Smith said Civil Service Commissioner Fi Trott said a majority of the commiss wanted to withdraw its response to I jury report from the supervisa Monday business agenda The co mission had responded in a twopi letter based an a commission meetl last week Trott said that phone calls made Saturday night revealed that he Commission Chairman Ward Sheldon and Commissioner Frank Martinez had second thoughts about the response which was primarily drafted by Commissioner Homer Odom Odom said Monday he agreed that the commission did not have enough time to review the complex issues raised in the Jury report Board blasts grand jury report remains a Investigators of a weekend burglary of the main evidence locker at the San Luis Obispo County Courthouse where evidence in felony Superior Court trials is kept said today they still know what items had been taken Sgl Tom Stewart of the San Luis Obispo Police Department said investigators were still compiling an inventory of the evidence stored in the locker One or more weapons may have been taken other police sources said Monday Stewart said police had no new information this morning about the identity of the burglar who punched a four-inch hole in the wall next to the locker and apparently opened the door from the Inside Indications are that the culprit first tried to pry the doorknob off but was unsuccessful police said San Luis Obispo police are being aided in toe investigation by sheriff's Inside today County Good Friday Easter Sunrise services Page A-3 By Steve Swensoa Staff Writer A county Grand Jury report on personnel matters was so flimsy in its evidence two county supervisors charged Monday that it raised questions on whether the Jury was abusing its powers Meanwhile county Civil Service Commissioners told the Board of Supervisors that they need more time to respond to issues raised in the Jury report Based on the report the comp missioners had requested the creation of a county office and the assigning of the county Personnel Department under the authority of the commission Supervisor Milton Wlllcford who said he had 30 years experience auditing grand Juries said the recent interim report the most iwkrrii 1 4 4.
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